Equipment: Abrasive Wheels
Accrediting Body: ITSSAR
Level: All
Location: Leicester Training Facility / On Site
Course Duration: 1 Day(s)
Max Ratio 3-5 trainees per course
Cost: £100 + vat per trainee
To find out more, Contact Us
Course Aim
The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the Abrasive Wheels Regulations as amended by the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, instructing delegates in all aspects of the correct mounting, setting and use of Abrasive Wheels. This course meets the statutory requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, and other relevant statutory provisions.
Course Content
- Responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 & PUWER 98
- Operators safety code
- Pre-use checks
- Correct PPE selection & use
- Storage and handling of abrasive wheels
- Examination and testing of wheels for damage
- Removal of wheels selection (inc marking system), testing & mounting of new wheel, and spindle speeds
- Resetting rests & guards
- Correct techniques relative to the working environment
- Responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, PUWER 98 & LOLER 98
- Operators safety code
- AMarking system
- Pre-use checks
- Spindle speeds
- Setting of guards
- Identification of wheels
- Wheel removal
- Spindle speeds
- Re setting wheel
- Adjusting guards
Course Requirements
- Notebook and pen
- Appropriate safety wear
All other materials are provided on the course.
Testing & Certification
At the end of this course the standard ITSSAR practical and theoretical test where possible will be conducted for the equipment. This is the current recognised and recommended standards practical operators test. Operators are issued with an encapsulated wallet and full sized certificate. Companies are issued with an A4 sized certificate, the trainees’ original practical and theoretical test marking sheet, course record and written trainee report where appropriate, as proof of training.